Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Once and Future Love Revisited Series News

An Important Announcement

Dear readers,

I have some news about the last Jacob and Beth book, Book 5 of My Once and Future Love Revisited.

Willowick Publishing has made a decision about All of Me, All of You and the book has been canceled for publication.

I’m sorry to bring this news to you today.  I know it’s not what you want to hear.

The factors are twofold:

1) The series has not made enough money for Willowick to justify the expense of producing a fifth book at this time. Willowick is a business and they have to make decisions accordingly. The monetary results for My Once and Future Love Revisited from Nov. 2013 to December 2014 were disappointing for all of us.

2) The other part of their decision is the struggle I’ve had in finishing this book, in that it is still far from having a completed draft.  I’ve tried.  We’ve tried.  The story has gone through numerous revisions since November 2011 and it just won’t come together in a way that satisfies all of us.  We wanted to give fans of Jacob and Beth the happy-ever-after that’s deserved and it hasn’t happened.

You might be wondering, is there anything I can do to help?

My answer is, yes and no.  While I don't think anything would change Willowick's mind at this time, there are things you can do to help any series you love, and that is tell people you love it.  Write reviews and spread word-of-mouth.  Think about all the products you've bought in your life because a friend or relative said it was worth it.  If you love any book and want more about those characters, please take a few minutes out of your day to spread that love.

The silver lining, I guess, is that Willowick still wants to work with me.  They like my writing and would prefer I turn my energies to other projects.  I have works-in-progress that have sat dormant for years waiting for me to finish with Beth and Jacob, so we’ll see if any of those old ideas pan out.

Thanks for your support, whether you found me this week or three years ago.  I ask for understanding and patience.  Readers are invaluable.  There is no Carla Krae without you.  

All my best.

Monday, November 3, 2014

One Kiss With A Rock Star Rockin' Release Party

One Kiss With A Rock Star Rockin' Release Party

If you love reading books with rock star heroes, join us on Facebook November 7th!

Giveaways, games, prizes, shenanigans, man-candy and more! Join sixteen authors for the ONE KISS WITH A ROCK STAR rockin' release party on 11/7/14.

The grand prize? Signed paperbacks from Amber & Shari and a $25 Amazon giftcard.

Check out this schedule...all times are EST.

3:00PM Amber Lin
3:30PM Heidi Joy Tretheway
4:00PM Christa Maurice
4:30PM Carla Krae
5:00PM Crista McHugh
5:30PM Deanna Chase
6:00PM Zoe York, Romance Author
6:30PM Madelynne Ellis
7:00PM Author Karen Booth
7:30PM Lia Riley
8:00PM Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott Author
8:30PM Pam Godwin Author
9:00PM Eden Bradley - Eve Berlin
9:30PM Brighton Walsh
10:00PM Shari Slade

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month #pinkpower

Go Pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You can learn more here or here.

Obviously, early detection is crucial. Know your body, do regular self-exams, and if something doesn't feel right see your doctor. Don't let fear keep you from saving your life.

I don't have close family members that have experienced breast cancer, but my godmother and my church h.s. handbell choir director are survivors. In the case of my director, hers started as skin cancer on her chest, so I also remind you to use sunscreen daily and keep an eye on suspiscious moles/spots.

Anyone that has read KISSED and BETRAYED knows I wrote about Beth's mother having breast cancer. I always knew her mother would die, from initial inception of Beth and Jacob's story. The bonds between mother and daughter echo through a daughter's life for her whole existence. I've lost a lot of people in my life, so unfortunately, writing Beth's grief wasn't hard - at least not technically. I did cry. In fact, I'd lost both my father and a grandfather in 2010, so that fresh pain went into finishing the story by May 2011. Beth's mother doesn't make smart choices, but I think it was a realistic choice. Are there people that refuse treatment? Yes. Are patients often terrified of how sick the drugs will make them? Absolutely. And are humans often in denial? Quite frequently. It might be said that it would've been the easier choice to have her mother survive, but that's not her story.

At the same time, I don't advocate any real woman following in this character's footsteps. While we all have to make the best choices for our personal circumstances, the choices that will make us happiest, it's also important to keep the people around us in mind. We miss you when you're gone.

Are you a cancer survivor?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Series Price Drop! My Once and Future Love Revisited series is currently a steal #contemporaryromance

Willowick Publishing has reduced prices!


KISSED remains free, but the rest of the series is currently discounted.

BETRAYED - $1.99.

FORGIVEN - $2.99.

LOVED - $2.99.

4-book series bundle - $6.99.

DYLAN AND JEN remains at $0.99.

These prices are in US dollars. Prices in other countries will vary.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Order a paperback copy of KISSED today! My Once and Future Love Revisited #1

KISSED in paperback!

Kissed (My Once and Future Love Revisited, #1)

List Price: $12.99 

Authored by Carla Krae
Edition: Second

Finalist in the RomCon 2014 Readers' Crown contest for Contemporary Romance.

One kiss ignites chemistry and passion they can't ignore, but is this only a summer fling?

Neighbors. Best friends. It was only a crush Beth harbored for Jacob until she was eighteen. Until London.

Neighbors. Best friends. That was all Jacob thought of her until London. Until she kissed him and stole his heart.

It's funny what Geometry class and a shared backyard wall can bring about. With a two-year age difference, Beth and Jacob were firmly in the Friend Zone during high school, but a pre-college trip to London will change their lives forever.

KISSED is the first of five books in the MY ONCE AND FUTURE LOVE REVISITED series exploring Beth and Jacob's relationship with all its joys, flaws, and heartache.

A New Adult Contemporary Romance saga. This story is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations.

Buy Now. Amazon. Barnes and Noble.

Publication Date: Sep 02 2014
ISBN/EAN13: 1500655309 / 9781500655303
Page Count: 350
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5" x 8"
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Fiction / Romance / New Adult

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cover Reveal! DYLAN AND JEN (My Once and Future Love Revisited series)

New cover!

DYLAN AND JEN: a My Once and Future Love Revisited story has a new cover.

Dylan is the bassist for Jake Lindsey's band, but not when he's in his hometown. It's Christmas Eve and a sudden, strong blizzard has left the mountain submerged in snow, wrecking his plan to drive back to Los Angeles in time to attend Jake and Beth's party Christmas Day.

Jennifer's family was coming to spend the holiday at her cabin, but the storm is keeping them off the mountain. Resigned to entertaining herself for the night, she's startled by someone pounding on her front door--a handsome man needing shelter from the storm. Dylan is sweet, funny, and so damn hot she can't resist learning what he has to offer.

Was this a single night of passion, or the beginning of lasting love?

This story is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations. 

My Once and Future Love Revisited series stand-alone story. Takes place after Beth and Jacob's final book. Minor spoilers.  

$0.99 everywhere e-books are sold. 

Barnes and Noble
Amazon UK

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

All My Books Are Now At ARe/OmniLit! #MyOnceAndFutureLoveRevisitedSeries now has the whole series.

This includes their sister site OmniLit as well.






Dylan and Jen

And, if you buy them by 7/26/14, you get all these titles 30% off! Don't miss out on a great deal.

Additional reminder - Betrayed, Forgiven, and Loved are 50% at until August 1st.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Christmas in July - Win a copy of DYLAN AND JEN: A My Once and Future Love Revisited story

Christmas in July

Author Lily Graison is featuring Dylan and Jen today. Featured books list.

Comment on Facebook here to win a free copy. Lily is also giving away a Kindle Fire this month.

Dylan is the bassist for Jake Lindsey's band, but not when he's in his hometown. It's Christmas Eve and a sudden, strong blizzard has left the mountain submerged in snow, wrecking his plan to drive back to Los Angeles in time to attend Jake and Beth's party Christmas Day.

Jennifer's family was coming to spend the holiday at her cabin, but the storm is keeping them off the mountain. Resigned to entertaining herself for the night, she's startled by someone pounding on her front door--a handsome man needing shelter from the storm. Dylan is sweet, funny, and so damn hot she can't resist learning what he has to offer.

Was this a single night of passion, or the beginning of lasting love?

My Once and Future Love Revisited series stand-alone story. Takes place after Beth and Jacob's final book. Minor spoilers.  This story is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Once and Future Love Revisited series JULY SALE! 50% off for July only!

Summer/Winter Sale!

July is Summer/Winter SALE month at Smashwords and KISSED, BETRAYED, FORGIVEN, and LOVED have joined in the fun.

KISSED is free. 

BETRAYED, FORGIVEN, and LOVED are 50% off!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Have you met Beth and Jacob? Young love can be quite tragic and heartbreaking in the best of circumstances, but there is hope. (My Once and Future Love Revisited series)

Have you met Beth and Jacob?

This four-book bundle includes KISSED, BETRAYED, FORGIVEN, and LOVED, plus a sneak peek at Book #5 (All of Me, All of You). To buy these books individually would cost $10.97.

This set can be yours today for $9.99.

Apple iTunes link.

Barnes and Noble link. 

Smashwords link.

Kobo link.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN | Amazon AUS | Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon ES | Amazon IT | Amazon IN | Amazon JP | Amazon BR | Amazon MX 

After picking up this set, pre-order ALL OF ME, ALL OF YOU, the final book. Pre-order at ApplePre-order at Kobo. Sample chapter links can be found here. Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to get the release date.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial Day - We Will Never Forget

Memorial Day

A good place to start is here:  Find out how to volunteer, share a remembrance with others, and more helpful links.

If you see a member of the military today, say thank you. Thank your fathers and mothers and uncles and aunts and grandfathers and grandmothers who served. Tell them we will not forget you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Four Book Bundle $0.99 for ONE WEEK ONLY! My Once and Future Love Revisited #1 - #4

It's May 13th! Release Day!

This four-book bundle includes KISSED, BETRAYED, FORGIVEN, and LOVED, plus a sneak peek at Book #5.

For one week only, this set is $0.99 - May 13-20, 2014. Regular price is $9.99.

Apple iTunes link.

Barnes and Noble link.

Smashwords link.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN | Amazon AUS | Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon ES | Amazon IT | Amazon IN | Amazon JP | Amazon BR | Amazon MX

To find out when Book #5 release, sign up for my newsletter at the tab above.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Pirating E-books is Not Okay. No, Really. It's Not.

Why Piracy is Not Okay

I've been getting a lot of search criteria hits that point to people looking for free illegal downloads of my books again, so I'm addressing it.

Here's what it boils down to:

If you are not me or my legal representative, uploading my e-books ANYWHERE is illegal. It's stealing and promoting e-book piracy.


My books are available at plenty of retailers for very reasonable prices and always have been.

You may be under the misconception that authors make a lot of money because the names with awareness in popular culture are successful (Steven King, J.K. Rowling, James Patterson, Danielle Steele, etc.). The truth is that the vast majority of us do not make much even with sales every day. It takes a lot of sales to match minimum wage in the United States (currently $8.00/hour in California), but even when we make that much in royalties for the year ($16,640), odds are that most authors have worked way more than 40 hours per week not just writing, but editing, creating marketing strategies, writing blog posts, doing promotion, etc., so our real hourly wage is still tiny. It is a small percentage of authors selling enough books to make a full-time living and live independently of a day job or spouse's income.

I am not one of those independent authors.

So when I get notifications of people looking to steal my work - yes, that's what is is, stealing - it hurts and it pisses me off. Buy my books or don't read them. It's that simple.

Friday, April 11, 2014

May 13th is Jacob and Beth's Series Birthday!

Something special is coming on May 13th!

Beth and Jacob were born on May 13th, 2007, the day I wrote the first scene ever. The story went through a lot of changes once I had a first draft in March of 2009 and it took another two years of work before I introduced them to the world.

Since May 13th, 2011, my readers have received something special about Jacob and Beth. This year, a four-book e-book bundle is releasing for $0.99 USD for one week. The special price is good for one week only.

Sooner to the day, links will be released, but for now, mark your calendars! If you've been hesitant to pick up these four books, here is your chance - they will never be at a better price again.

Thanks for the support!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Release Day! Get LOVED now! My Once and Future Love Revisited #4

LOVED is now available!

The wait is over. Read Jacob and Beth's fourth book in the series today.

$3.99 Smashwords e-book$6.99 paperback

Barnes and NobleApple. Amazon US. Amazon UK. Amazon CAN. Amazon AUS.

After Beth’s car accident, the truth came out about why she pushed Jacob out of her life and she realized she made a terrible mistake. Jacob declared his love, Beth agreed to date, but this relationship has to be on her terms. 

Beth witnessed Jacob’s bad side first-hand while working for him and trust needs to be rebuilt. Add to that the pressure of paparazzi, and she’s understandably gun-shy. 

Jacob told Beth he loves her, but her feelings are still a mystery. Building a relationship requires something he’s never been good at—patience. Can he give her the time she needs to see he has changed, or will he push too hard for those three little words and drive her away? 

Loved is the fourth of five books in the My Once and Future Love Revisited series exploring Beth and Jacob’s relationship with all its joys, flaws, and heartache. 

New Adult Contemporary Romance saga. This story is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations.

Amazon paperback link. $6.64. Amazon UK link

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Latest About My Once and Future Love Revisited #5

Update on Jacob and Beth's 5th and final book

With LOVED almost released, I'm doing revision on J/B 5 to bring it in line with the changes to the series. One part of the work is changing 33k into full 3rd person instead of the 1st/3rd combo the series had been in when first written, so it's a lot of work on top of editing the story itself. Only after this is all done can I continue drafting the book to completion.

I'm 10 chapters into the work so far. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

All my books are now at Barnes & Noble!

All My Books are at B& Now






Dylan and Jen

Kissed/Betrayed bundle

Forgiven/Loved bundle

Trust and KISSED are free titles. BETRAYED is $2.99. FORGIVEN and LOVED are $3.99 each.

DYLAN AND JEN is $0.99.

The Kissed/Betrayed bundle is $3.99 and the Forgiven/Loved bundle is $6.99.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

LOVED Excerpt - Coming April 6th!

An Excerpt from LOVED (My Once and Future Love Revisited #4)

Read the first two chapters of LOVED before release day!

Chapter One
September 2011

Monday, March 24, 2014

Pre-Order LOVED today! (My Once and Future Love Revisited #4)

Pre-order LOVED today!

Barnes and Noble has LOVED available for pre-orders. Apple has it, too. $3.99. Releases April 6.

After Beth’s car accident, the truth came out about why she pushed Jacob out of her life and she realized she made a terrible mistake. Jacob declared his love, Beth agreed to date, but this relationship has to be on her terms.

Beth witnessed Jacob’s bad side first-hand while working for him and trust needs to be rebuilt. Add to that the pressure of paparazzi, and she’s understandably gun-shy.

Jacob told Beth he loves her, but her feelings are still a mystery. Building a relationship requires something he’s never been good at—patience. Can he give her the time she needs to see he has changed, or will he push too hard for those three little words and drive her away?

Loved is the fourth of five books in the My Once and Future Love Revisited series exploring Beth and Jacob’s relationship with all its joys, flaws, and heartache.

New Adult Contemporary Romance saga. This story is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations. 

Also available in paperback for $6.99

In other news - Newsletter Subscribers - If you use Gmail, the newsletters might be landing in the Promotions folder. Don't miss out on updates! If you signed up for my newsletter and have never seen one of the e-mails, look in those other tabs.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Official Blurb for LOVED (My Once and Future Love Revisited #4)

Here's the finalized description for LOVED:

After Beth’s car accident, the truth came out about why she pushed Jacob out of her life and she realized she made a terrible mistake. Jacob declared his love, Beth agreed to date, but this relationship has to be on her terms.

Beth witnessed Jacob’s bad side first-hand while working for him and trust needs to be rebuilt. Add to that the pressure of paparazzi, and she’s understandably gun-shy.

Jacob told Beth he loves her, but her feelings are still a mystery. Building a relationship requires something he’s never been good at—patience. Can he give her the time she needs to see he has changed, or will he push too hard for those three little words and drive her away?

Loved is the fourth of five books in the My Once and Future Love Revisited series exploring Beth and Jacob’s relationship with all its joys, flaws, and heartache.

New Adult Contemporary Romance saga. This story is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to adult language, sexual content, and adult situations.

This book releases on April 6, 2014!

In other news - Newsletter Subscribers - If you use Gmail, the newsletters might be landing in the Promotions folder. Don't miss out on updates! If you signed up for my newsletter and have never seen one of the e-mails, look in those other tabs.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cherry Stem Book Blitz and Giveaway! #UrbanFantasy

Cherry Stem Book Blitz and Giveaway

Book Title: Cherry Stem (Book I of the Cherry Series)
Author: Sotia Lazu
Genre: Erotic Urban Fantasy
Length: 74K
Release Date: 3.15.2014
ISBN: 9781310502491
Pre-Order/Purchase Links: 
B & N  


Turned at the cusp of a promising career in the adult movie industry, Cherry Stem has to rely on her mesmerizing vampire gaze for her meals and money. With the rent deadline approaching, settling for pocket change isn’t an option, so she reluctantly decides to let tall, dark, and handsome Detective Alex Marsden take her home for the night and fulfill her needs.

Only she gets more than she bargained for.

When Cherry meets Alex, she expects him to be nothing more than another “girl meets boy, girl feeds from boy, girl erases boy’s memories” hook-up. Once missing young women, the vampire council, and her irresistible ex are thrown into the mix though, she realizes nothing is as simple or random as she thought it was.

And Alex is either the biggest gift or the biggest mistake of her un-life.


Hiding my body seemed silly after we’d already had sex, so I didn’t. Not that he looked. He just dropped a duffel bag by the sink.

“Thought you’d want clean clothes as soon as you were dry,” he said. “Got a couple tees and sweatpants from my place. They’ll be too big for you, but at least the pants have drawstrings. Should be good for the night.”

Then he pulled his shirt over his head.

If I were human, I’d have been drowned by the water filling my mouth and clogging my throat while I gaped at him. As it was, I was grateful I’d opened the shower stall door and could enjoy the view.

Most people look better when they’re dressed than when they’re out of their clothes. There are always flaws, something that needs covering up: a slightly jutting stomach, love handles, scars, pimples. Something.

To me Alex was perfect.

I’d already run my fingers down his chest and abs, but seeing the smooth, flawless skin stretch over rippling muscle made me itch to caress it. His shoulders were wide; I knew that already, but the way they rounded, leading to his flexing biceps, was a sight to behold. And that’s what I did. I beheld, wishing he was closer, that I could press my breasts against his chest and see goose bumps rise.

I would probably have kept staring at his six-pack for much longer if his fingers hadn’t gotten in the way. Splayed across his abdomen, they touched what I longed for, ghosting their way down to the front of his pants. I wanted to lick my way along the trail of fine hair beneath his navel that disappeared inside his waistband. I sucked in a breath when he undid the button and another when the zipper lowered, allowing his slacks to fall to the teal, tiled floor.

My gaze followed them, until he stepped out of the pooled fabric and toward the shower stall.

Toward me.

About the Author
Sotia cries at sappy movies and wishes she could take in all the stray dogs in the world. She lives in Athens, Greece, with her husband—whom she met through writing—their son, and their two rescue dogs, one of which might be part-pony.

Her genres of choice are romances with a twist and urban fantasy novels, always with vivid erotic elements. Her characters aren't exactly hero-material at first glance; she likes making them fight for their happiness. Still, the romantic in her can’t resist happy endings.


Or write to her at


Sotia is so happy to be re-launching Cherry Stem, she felt like sharing the happiness :)

Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win an e-Book or some Author Swag, including a lovely cherry shaped bracelet charm!

NOTE: The giveaway is for Adults Only. Please do not enter if you’re below your country’s legal age.

Entrants can enter more than once with options such as “Leave a comment” and “Tweet about this Giveaway.”

Stop by Sotia’s blog March 15 – March 19 for more goodies and surprises on a daily basis!