The cats had a medical issue
Well, over $1800 later, they're on the mend - though just as the younger ones were recovering, Mama got sick and needed the meds, too. The only thing all 5 of them had in common Friday to Friday was the crunchie treats, so that jar is toast.
Worst part, though? The vet lied to us about Milo and Lowen having fleas just to upsell us on a $63.99 flea med!
So we're still looking for an honest, affordable veterinarian in Orange County, CA. If you have a rec, please pass it on.
And Wednesday, my computer died - AGAIN!
Windows 10 didn't last 3 months and I do none of the sketchy things that break shit. I only got this thing May 17th.
Five days down this time.
Tech Guy didn't get me back online until Sunday afternoon!
For those counting, it was 11 days with no computer in November, 3 days in May, and now 5. Wanna place a bet on how long this one lasts? I'm SO behind on plans this year it's not funny.
Other news this month:
If you haven't popped in recently, here's a reminder to check out Vi Keeland's newest release, and these upcoming dates for Penelope Ward:
Excerpt Reveal - August 17
Release Day - August 21
Ream Stories Subscription
Five fans have joined my subscription since launch and I'm really grateful! My hope is to grow this page with you over time.
1) Kissed and The Bassist are free reads for the public, no membership required now - a chance to sample the interface.
2) You can Follow me for free - and all it takes is making an account. Followers will receive exclusives now this feature is live.
August 14th - Followers can now click a Like heart on Community posts as well as leave comments!
3) I have exclusive Flash Fiction posted!
The first 5 are Jacob and Beth and Bob and Celeste. Available with the Concert Ticket membership level, along with:
- Exclusive Community Access with early access to updates
- Early access to WIP sneak peeks and updates
- Behind the scenes exclusives
- The Roommate novella
Why become a subscriber, though?
If you join at the Backstage Pass level, you get 1000 pages of stories for $5.
Become a Fan Club Member for $10 and gain access to 2000 pages!
My subscription page is the only place to get this kind of value.
Ready to try things out? How to download the Ream App
We want you to be able to read books like you want to read books. You can even comment on chapters as you browse them, because this is really about community.
How commenting on stories works
By October, Ream will be adding even more new features! I'll update you as I get news. We really want to make this the best home for authors and readers it can be.